----- Original Message ----
From: EMPLOYMENT CENTRAL (recruitservice@uslegaljobs.net)
Sent: Saturday, July 5, 2008 5:08:57 AM
Subject: Important Employment Information
Sherif's Limit Timber Export and Import Co.
Our Ref:FMF-107-212.
Memo:- 2008-2nd Quarter-Online Search Recruitment Exercise.
I have the privilege to present this offer to Interested Individuals and co-operate bodies from CANADA,UNITED STATES,AUSTRALIA,NEW ZEALAND AND THE ENTIRE EUROPE to enable them participate in making an extra 10.05% commission based earning right from the convenience of their home or office apartment and without affecting their primary occupation.
What we do
We are a dedicated Importer and Exporter of Asian and African Hybrid Timber,our Timber is of the highest grade and is been used in over 49 Countries from North America,Europe and Oceania.
About this Job
Since most of our customers make payments in large Instalment fractions,we became faced with the task of receiving payments from our foreign customers hence we decided to advertise and search for Individuals of GOOD STANDING who will assist our company receive these finance payments locally on our and then forward on to the company on a weekly/monthly basis.
Your Earning
As a resident of your country, you will be accredited as our legal Payment representative and will be in charge of all payments from within your region,for this you will be paid a 10.05% of all payments you receive,and forward on a weekly/monthly basis.
Main Requirements:
18 years or older, legally capable responsible ready to work 1-2 hours per week, with PC knowledge, e-mail and internet experience (minimal).Kindly contact Our recruiting department by sending us a short note about yourself which should include:
1: Your Full Names
2: Mailing Address with Zip Code
3: Contact Telephone Number/Best Time to call.
Using the Customer service email listed Below.
Brian Richardson
Best Regards,
James Whelehan
Hiring coordinator, Sherif's Timber Co.
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