

----- Original Message ----
From: James Dale Jr (jdale211@googlemail.com)
Sent: Wednesday, June 4, 2008 12:20:36 AM
Subject: This Is For Your Attention

Good Day,

I am James Dale an Auditor in a commercial Bank, in the process of auditing our bank accounts this quarter,
I and one of my colleagues recently discovered that there is a dormant account valued at the sum
(Ten Million British Pound Sterling) and after due verification of this account we discovered that the
account owner is late and that is why the account has been dormant and as such a (Ten Million British
Pound Sterling) has been lying in the bank unclaimed.

The idea of presenting a foreigner to act as his next of kin came into our mind, as you know the said
deceased is a foreigner as well. Hence, that is how and why we have contacted you to present you as
his next of kin, so that the Ј10,000,000.00 will be paid to you and we can both disburse the fund
according to the percentage we will agree upon.

In view of this, I am seeking for your co-operation and understanding to stand as the next of kin to our
deceased customer, to enable us claim the fund from my bank. Hence, if this proposal is OK by you
and you do not wish to take undue advantage of my trust, then I hope to bestow on you. Please
kindly get back to me immediately only through my personal contact email; jamesdale212@gmail.com

On getting your response, we shall agree on the percentage ratio on which we shall disburse the
(Ten Million British Pound Sterling) between us, as we intend to invest part of our own share in real
estate or any lucrative business in your country, and we would appreciate if you can put us in the
right part where we can invest our own share in your country.

I will not contact any person or company until I hear from you, so as to enable me decides on what
to do next.
Be rest assured that this business is 100% risk free.

We wait for your prompt response.
Best Regards,
James Dale.